Friday, March 6, 2009
rasukan ablasa and pantai.
i'll just start with last thursday, cause i don't feel like going any furthday back. sooo i went to 1b,yeah with my wabak.19yearsssssss and hell ini first time i kene red eyess lahh.damn it!!!i felt like im an ogre sambil jalan2 in 1b and people non stop melihat2 mata ku yg indah wahhh sungguhh merah! and and me her ain,dyg,sal and oh meng walked around the 1b while waiting for the mcD's cheap sale at 12 sharp!. then we went out to the cinema and horrored by the Rasukan Ablasa(hari2 wyg hantu damn!muka pun mcm hantu!)and then went to toilet, and just chilled forever in there wahahah blowan. walked down to kedai2 for jeans, sal and meng hilang nda tau gone where and we're still berjalan and keluar masuk fitting room and lastly walked around Giant, got batteries bodoh hahahaaa, saw a lot of people, yeahcoool no its not cool with red eyes!!. stopped by dygs bustand to sent her back home and went to the fucking bitch,no i mean beach,bitch!then jalan2 tetiba sal called suh balekk and sooo kiter went dropped everyone off(ain and i hahah).tamat.

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wakakakakakaka!!!! buduuuuuu!!!!!
ReplyDeletealalala tropot aku candid gambar kamu dua main game wakkakakakaka
ReplyDeletepopok! aku ni alia..
ReplyDeleteeh aliaa!!!ko kat ner hah?aku dah lamer dah carik hengkoo!!jap jap aku check blog engko!!aku tak braperr sangat lah bende2 blogpsot ni..aku biase pakai xanga hahahha
ReplyDeletewakkakakaka kurang asam ko!! skarang mata saya suda jadi cantik bahhh!! hahahaha
ReplyDeletehahaha! ko merasuki minda org di 1b oh!
ReplyDeletekekekekekkekekekek kurang asam ko sanaa tapi sa tetap cutee bahh ahhahaha