Thursday nights are always hard for me because Friday, my brain,my eyes my everything has to deal with Statistic,it is very hard to concentrate and seems I always dreaming,,and hell yeah I’m sure I’m not going to want to get that first assignment done afterwards on a Friday afternoon so I’m trying to do that next month wakaka,,,I’ve been procrastinating again haiyye and I’m just bored out of my mind,,I actually have all the material,,,on the internet lah hahaha,,okay Im doing it today!!stop putting things off for tomorrow, peeps,,,get it done today!!!YEAH RIGHT THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN since I'm a pretty lazy person,,wakakaka haihh motivation is at a,,,,ZERO!!!!!an update to what I'm doing right now ;
"It's getting late in the evening,and the sun is going down,everything is beautiful and nothing hurts"

*photos taken near my house,and my classmate's;Keleh
nnt deleted comment tu ah.. nnt org nmpk pula link sy... hehehe jgn bgtau org my personal blog...
ReplyDeleteSaya suka tu bayang2 camera :)
ReplyDeletehahahhahaah WOII IANN! HHAHAHAAH napa ko xpost apa2 nii di blog ko haha,, cuba ko ajar dlu sa mcm mana edit blgspot ni wakak budu btul sa brabis google nda juga sa faham2
ReplyDeleteHmm malas bah pok mau post2 entry.Sia mana pandai mengedit tu.Alala talampau lah jua nda paham2 hehe.Try check tu edit dia punya tamplates lah.Ada tu di dashboard :) Palan2 cari.