Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

“when mistrust comes in, love goes out.” -Irish saying

"I know. You feel so hurt, so scared, so angry. There's nothing worse than when someone betrays you and you feel you can't trust them. You can't imagine it's possible that you would ever trust that person again, and at this moment you may not even want to try.
And yet...
hope is a stubborn thing. Somewhere deep inside you, you sense a spark of possibility. Maybe, just maybe, the terrible mistrust you feel isn't the end of the relationship. Maybe trust can be restored. Maybe the relationship can heal.
Then again, maybe you're afraid that hope doesn't make sense right now. I understand. I felt all this myself. And so have millions of other people who've been through this." -M.K.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

fuck it

"Getting no message 

is also a message"

Thursday, March 10, 2016


"love yourself by morgan freeman"

“We have a long way to go to
being the perfect couple, we certainly don’t live the fairy tale marriage, he
doesn’t shower me with rose petals and fly me to Paris on weekends but
when I get my hair cut, he notices. When I dress up to go out at night, he
compliments me. When I cry, he wipes my tears. When I feel lonely, he
makes me feel loved. And who needs Paris, when you can get a hug?”
― Cecelia Ahern, Love, Rosie